Three of Four are Eagles

Last night we attended the Eagle Scout Court of Honor for the twins, Cole and Kyle. It was one of those occasions that starts out stressful and, afterward, turned out to be something that none of us (most of us are introverts) would have wanted to miss.

There were eleven young men receiving their Eagle awards last night, two of them were ours. Not only that, Clinton (he’s the oldest) came in from Law School to attend the ceremony. For me, know that our boys have earned this award is less about my pride and more about my admiration of them and hope for them.

I deeply admire their accomplishment and it gives me hope that they will have a balanced, healthy approach to living their lives. Here’s the 12 points of the Scout Law as they learned it:

A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent.

There are no rational arguments against living that code. It’s a happy time for our family when two more of our boys—three out of four, so far—become young men with that code in their psyche. The world and the people they touch in their lives will be better for it.

Now for the fourth…

P.S. — Thank you Wendy for making the night special for everyone. Your awesomeness is…well…awesome.
